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Teachers’ Perceived Influence of Sanitation Manual Utilization on Promotion of Wellness among Secondary School Inhabitants in Ilorin Metropolis
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. Baba Dare Abubakar
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025)
An essential sub-component of the school health programme is environmental sanitation. The study examined the teachers’ perceived influence of sanitation manual utilization on promotion of wellness among Secondary School Inhabitants in Ilorin Metropolis. Specifically, the study investigates whether availability of essential facilities, availability of essential equipment, effective utilization of school sanitation manual, and compliance with various strategies for implementing school sanitation influence promotion of wellness among Junior Secondary School inhabitants in Ilorin Metropolis. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for this study comprises 4,484 Junior Secondary School Teachers in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 360 sample for this study. Researchers-developed questionnaire and Checklist were used. The reliability of the instrument was established through split half method and a co-efficient of 0.85r was obtained using Spearman Brown correlation statistics analysis. Descriptive statistics of frequency and percentage were used for answering the research questions while inferential chi-square statistics was employed to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings were that teachers perceived availability of school sanitation facilities, equipment, effective utilization of the equipment and facilities as well as, implementation of various strategies for sanitation as influencing the promotion of wellness among junior secondary school students in Ilorin Metropolis. The study recommends that government or school proprietors should ensure effective provision of facilities such as water supply, toilet and accessories.
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